[SOLVED] FreeRTOS plugin that shows queues?

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  • [SOLVED] FreeRTOS plugin that shows queues?

    Hi, I'm trying to debug a pvPortMalloc() panic fail (no memory left) that happens after some hours. It seems to be related to queues not being handled/freed correctly. How can I see the queues in some way? (I'm sort of debugging other peoples code (company internal so I can't publish it) that I'm not that familiar with)

    Using the FreeRTOS plugin I seem to only be able to see the task-list and stack sizes, but the queues are said to be allocated in the memory pool controlled by the FreeRTOS itself and I suspect that this heap is full for some reason.

    It seems that the Eclipse based STM32 debugger can show these items, so it should be possible in Ozone as well.
    • FreeRTOS task list view
    • FreeRTOS timers view
    • FreeRTOS semaphores view
    • FreeRTOS queues view
    has anyone done this in Ozone? Are there some more advanced FreeRTOS plugins available for Ozone on GitHub or similar?

    I can not see that Seggers System View supports queues either?

    Code is running on a STM32H733 microcontroller, reference to eclipse plugin for this kind of information - community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus…ck-usage-view/ta-p/627524
  • Hi AndersHedberg,

    if an RTOS plug-in is lacking some feature you can easily add this on your own. For details please refer to the Ozone user's manual, section 6.3. You may also look into the scripts provided for other RTOSes and if the desired information is made available there, you might take that code part as a template for adding the same information for your application.

    If you intend displaying information encoded in your firmware in a human readable form, the SmartView feature in Ozone might also by of interest. You might create a SmartView script which reads the memory pool information from the target, extracts the desired information and prints it into a table inside the SmartView window. For details on the SmartView window please refer to section 4.15 in the Ozone user's manual. For details on the SmartView plug-in please refer to section 6.4.

    Best regards
    -- AlexD
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