Hi all,
Fisrt of all I'm new with JLink and FreeRTOS and i'm an hobbyist. So I have an JLINK EDU mini and I have a board build with an stm32F405, I use SWD. I'm able to debug my soft with OZONE. When I load my elf file ozone tells me it detects freertos, so I accept Ozone dialog and I see in console :
RTOS awareness plugin loaded: /Applications/SEGGER/Ozone_V338c/Ozone.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin_CM4.js.
After that I add FreeRTOS view, but when I Download and reset program I have nothing in FreeRTOS window (no task nthing in it), and I have no run count no increment ever in code profile.
So my question is, I use SWD (swdio/swclk) is it possible to have rtos information with SWD?
EDIT : Ok so right now I'm able to see all my freertos tasks in FreeRTOS window, but I still don't see the run count incrementing, see attachments
Fisrt of all I'm new with JLink and FreeRTOS and i'm an hobbyist. So I have an JLINK EDU mini and I have a board build with an stm32F405, I use SWD. I'm able to debug my soft with OZONE. When I load my elf file ozone tells me it detects freertos, so I accept Ozone dialog and I see in console :
RTOS awareness plugin loaded: /Applications/SEGGER/Ozone_V338c/Ozone.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin_CM4.js.
After that I add FreeRTOS view, but when I Download and reset program I have nothing in FreeRTOS window (no task nthing in it), and I have no run count no increment ever in code profile.
So my question is, I use SWD (swdio/swclk) is it possible to have rtos information with SWD?
EDIT : Ok so right now I'm able to see all my freertos tasks in FreeRTOS window, but I still don't see the run count incrementing, see attachments
The post was edited 3 times, last by Simon884 ().