[SOLVED] Segger EDU mini freertos

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  • [SOLVED] Segger EDU mini freertos

    Hi all,

    Fisrt of all I'm new with JLink and FreeRTOS and i'm an hobbyist. So I have an JLINK EDU mini and I have a board build with an stm32F405, I use SWD. I'm able to debug my soft with OZONE. When I load my elf file ozone tells me it detects freertos, so I accept Ozone dialog and I see in console :

    RTOS awareness plugin loaded: /Applications/SEGGER/Ozone_V338c/Ozone.app/Contents/MacOS/Plugins/OS/FreeRTOSPlugin_CM4.js.

    After that I add FreeRTOS view, but when I Download and reset program I have nothing in FreeRTOS window (no task nthing in it), and I have no run count no increment ever in code profile.

    So my question is, I use SWD (swdio/swclk) is it possible to have rtos information with SWD?


    EDIT : Ok so right now I'm able to see all my freertos tasks in FreeRTOS window, but I still don't see the run count incrementing, see attachments
    • Capture d’écran 2025-01-07 à 14.57.06.png

      271.16 kB, 1,106×1,454, viewed 216 times
    • Capture d’écran 2025-01-07 à 14.56.55.png

      33.68 kB, 190×632, viewed 207 times

    The post was edited 3 times, last by Simon884 ().

  • Hi Simon884,
    good to see that you are now able to see your RTOS tasks. For the others it might be valuable if you'd describe what you did to make the tasks visible. Normally Ozone should do that out of the box, so I assume that you simply looked into the window at a time where no RTOS task was started yet (e.g. directly after reaching main() function) and the window filled with content once you looked into your firmware at a later execution stage.
    The run counters are a trace feature. You need to use a J-Trace for that. Please refer to section 4.20.2. in the Ozone user's manual, and also section 3.7.4.
    Happy debugging!
    -- AlexD
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