jscope can not display correct curve using RTT mode and HSS mode on Renesas RZ/T2L

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    • jscope can not display correct curve using RTT mode and HSS mode on Renesas RZ/T2L

      When I use jscope to monitor variables on Renesas RZ/T2L, I encounter some problems.

      1. The value of HSS curve switchs betweend 0 and the correct value periodicaly, which shown in the below.

      The monitored value show in the figure is const.

      2. The value of RTT curve switch bwtweend two variables crossly.

      At the begining, the first variable with blue curve is const, while the second variable with red cuve is incremental.
      After a few seconds, the curves cross each other. The blue curve tracks the second variable in error, and red curve tracks the first variable. Then, they track correctly. The two cases appear alternately.
      If I stop sampling and retart sampling, everthing is ok within a few seconds, then it repeats the abnormal sense descibed above.
      So I think this is the bug of the J-Scope instead of jlink driver or MPU.

      All of the variables used in test are located in SRAM without cache.

      3. If the elf file changed on disk, J-Scope will pop-up a window to promot user to "Reparse symbols".
      After the the parsing processbar reaches to end, the J-Scope will crash immediatly.
    • Hello,

      Thank you for your inquiry.

      1 / 2
      We are not aware of these issues.
      Is the issue also reproducible with the example code in the J-Scope documentation?

      Would you be able to provide the ELF file and J-Scope project for further investigation?

      We are aware of this issue, and a fix will be available in the next version.

      Best regards,
      Please read the forum rules before posting.

      Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
      Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
      Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

      Or you can contact us via e-mail.
    • SEGGER - Simon wrote:


      Thank you for your inquiry.

      1 / 2
      We are not aware of these issues.
      Is the issue also reproducible with the example code in the J-Scope documentation?

      Would you be able to provide the ELF file and J-Scope project for further investigation?

      We are aware of this issue, and a fix will be available in the next version.

      Best regards,
      Thank you for your reply.

      According to Renesas RZ/T2L - SEGGER Knowledge Base, I have set all of the test variales, RTT buffers and RTT control block at System RAM without cache which starts at 0x1000_0000.
      1. HSS

      These const variables swtich certain value with 0.
      test.elf in attachment has these variables.
      I also test HSS function on STM32F407 wthout cache which works correctly.
      Therefor, maybe it is a bug on MCU? Or maybe it is the effect of cache or other MCU mechanism? However, I have set the attribute of system RAM to no-cache. I have no idea about this.
      2. RTT

      After many tests,I find out that the bug is related to the RTT buffer size.
      In my test(RZ/T2L), the threshold of RTT buffer size which will lead to the bug is between 15kB and 16kB.(I also test on STM32F407, the threshold is about between 7k and 8k.)
      The size of RTT buffer is set to 32k in test.elf, and the abnormal condition will appear at about 17 seconds after start sampling.

      Beside theses bugs, there are some user experience related issues.
      If the curve is a little bit more complex and the time axis sacle is a little bit more large,the j-scope gui will freeze.
      The example code can reproduct the issue.UM08028 J-Scope - SEGGER Knowledge Base
      In the example code, the variables switch between 100 (or -100) and 0.
      If a set the time axis scale eauql or bigger than 1s/Div, the action of dragging curve, zooming curve, or clicking any button can not response in time.
      The current figure is shown below.

      If the axis scale is more bigger, the GUI window will be "not responding", and I have to kill the process in "Task Manager".
      The parser of elf built for RZ/T2L(which is provided in attachments) is significantly slower than elf built for STM32.

      The process bar will pause at 76% for seconds.
      Whereas the process bar for parsing elf for STM32 whose size is about 1MB larger than the test.elf is very smooth, and the wait time is also shorer than elf for RZ/T2L.
      I can not find out which compiler flags may effect the parser speed, or it maybe a bug for J-Scope?
      • test.7z

        (54 kB, downloaded 1,905 times, last: )
    • Hello,

      To use RTT on external memory with Cortex-R devices, please refer to the following resources:
      1. Information on RTT with RZ/T2L:
      2. Cortex-R specific RTT details:
      3. CPU caching and RTT:

      If the curve is a little bit more complex and the time axis sacle is a little bit more large,the j-scope gui will freeze.
      We will investigate this issue and get back to you with more informatio

      The parser of elf built for RZ/T2L(which is provided in attachments) is significantly slower than elf built for STM32.
      J-Scope is currently inefficient at parsing large arrays, especially when handling arrays that are several thousand bytes in size, such as the RTT buffer.
      This can result in noticeable pauses during parsing.
      We are aware of this issue and will work on improving the performance in future updates.

      Best regards,
      Please read the forum rules before posting.

      Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
      Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
      Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

      Or you can contact us via e-mail.
    • According to Renesas RZ/T2L - SEGGER Knowledge Base, I have set all of the test variales, RTT buffers and RTT control block at System RAM without cache which starts at 0x1000_0000.
      I am sure that I have set the correct config. Because when I set the RTT buffer at TCM or did turn on cache on system RAM , I got nothing.

      And after my test, I think the abnormal behaviour of RTT funcion is a bug of jscope which is related to a bigger size of RTT buffer.
      If I use a RTT buffer smaller than 15 kB, the RTT function works correctly.
      If the RTT buffer is bigger than 16kB, the curves will cross each other which was described above.

      As for HSS, If I set the sample rate to 50 Hz, it looks like working correctly. If I set the sample rate upper than 100Hz, the data will turn into 0 periodicity.
      So, I guess the real sample rate is between 50 and 100Hz. If the set rate bigger than real rate, J-Scope can not get the true data in some samples and make the assumption these datas are zero.
      If my guess is ture, is the supported real sample rate lower than 100Hz normal?
      Otherwise, can you test the .elf in my last post to check whether the issue can be reproduced and find what makes it malfunction。
    • Hello,

      Your assumption that the RTT issue is related to the size of the RTT buffer appears to be correct.
      I was able to reproduce the issue where J-Scope draws unexpected lines after a short period of time when the RTT buffer size is approximately 30 kB.
      We will investigate this further and get back to you with updates.

      Regarding the HSS issue, I was unable to reproduce the behavior using the HSS sample project with a sample rate greater than 100 Hz.
      Could you please provide the following for further analysis:
      1. A J-Link log file of the scenario
      2. The J-Scope project file
      Instructions for enabling the J-Link log file can be found here:

      Best regards,
      Please read the forum rules before posting.

      Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
      Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
      Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

      Or you can contact us via e-mail.