When I use jscope to monitor variables on Renesas RZ/T2L, I encounter some problems.
1. The value of HSS curve switchs betweend 0 and the correct value periodicaly, which shown in the below.

The monitored value show in the figure is const.
2. The value of RTT curve switch bwtweend two variables crossly.

At the begining, the first variable with blue curve is const, while the second variable with red cuve is incremental.
After a few seconds, the curves cross each other. The blue curve tracks the second variable in error, and red curve tracks the first variable. Then, they track correctly. The two cases appear alternately.
If I stop sampling and retart sampling, everthing is ok within a few seconds, then it repeats the abnormal sense descibed above.
So I think this is the bug of the J-Scope instead of jlink driver or MPU.
All of the variables used in test are located in SRAM without cache.
3. If the elf file changed on disk, J-Scope will pop-up a window to promot user to "Reparse symbols".
After the the parsing processbar reaches to end, the J-Scope will crash immediatly.
1. The value of HSS curve switchs betweend 0 and the correct value periodicaly, which shown in the below.
The monitored value show in the figure is const.
2. The value of RTT curve switch bwtweend two variables crossly.
At the begining, the first variable with blue curve is const, while the second variable with red cuve is incremental.
After a few seconds, the curves cross each other. The blue curve tracks the second variable in error, and red curve tracks the first variable. Then, they track correctly. The two cases appear alternately.
If I stop sampling and retart sampling, everthing is ok within a few seconds, then it repeats the abnormal sense descibed above.
So I think this is the bug of the J-Scope instead of jlink driver or MPU.
All of the variables used in test are located in SRAM without cache.
3. If the elf file changed on disk, J-Scope will pop-up a window to promot user to "Reparse symbols".
After the the parsing processbar reaches to end, the J-Scope will crash immediatly.