Movie: How to convert movies to Bitmap-EMF files

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    • Movie: How to convert movies to Bitmap-EMF files

      Hello to all,

      We have a STM32F7xx and a SSD1963 graphics controller with a 16bit parallel interface.
      On our display with 800*480 we would like to show at least 320*240 movies.
      If we do that with EMF videos we can not reach a frame rate of 25fps.

      We hope that Bitmap-EMF files can do the job, because jpeg decoding of the frames would not be necessary then.
      But how to generate the Bitmap-EMF files?

      In the manual it says:
      "Bitmap-based emWin movie files (EMF) have been added to emWin as an alternative format for GIF animations and standard EMFs."
      With the BitMapConverter I think only animated GIF can be used as input.
      Which tool however can convert standard EMF?

      Thanks a lot for your help
    • Hi Andi,

      Currently this is not possible. The Bitmap Converter can only generate bitmap EMFs from GIFs. We may add support conversion from video input file formats to bitmap EMFs in the future, but this is not planned yet.

      To work around this, you can convert your videos into a GIF animation (FFMPEG can do this), and then you can convert with the Bitmap Converter into a bitmap EMF.

      Best regards,
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