Clarification regarding STM32MP257FAI3 Processor Debug Probe

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    • Clarification regarding STM32MP257FAI3 Processor Debug Probe


      We are planning to work on STM32MP257F Processor. We would like to know if we can debug the Cortex A-35 using J-LINK base in SEGGER EMBEDDED STUDIO

      Thanks & Regards
      Akshitha Pattem
    • Hi, you can indeed use J-Link with SEGGER Embedded Studio for this processor, it combines dual-core architecture with an Cortex-A35 application processor and a Cortex-M33 real-time processor, which both are selectable in SEGGER.
    • The J-Link BASE works for sure but i can recomment to use a faster model like J-Link Ultra+. This is not only much faster; you get more control of the entire debug process. is that required - no, isn't it, but the works is getting a lot of easier and faster.

      Segger offers a compare sheet of all available J-link Modells. Look here and compare the values: SEGGER J-Link debug probes

      I had moved from the basic to the J-Link Pro model to program und debug faster MCU's. Not just the upload if the code is much faster. The best option would be the outstanding j-trace model, but this is very special and the price too.