GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor makes each number drawn on scale 0

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    • GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor makes each number drawn on scale 0

      Im working on graphs. No issues with that.
      However when i call GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor function to create a scale, each numbers drawn becomes 0.

      If i do not call GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor when creating a Scale, it works as expected, numbers drawn with respect to pixel units.

      Calling GRAPH_SCALE_SetFactor(hScale, 1.0f) does not work either.

      What could be the issue?

      Library i use is libGUI_v8m_t_vfpv5_soft_OS0.

      I create SCALE widgets same as the GRAPH example.

      Im using IAR EWARM 9.32.2, and emwin version is 6.46.

      I will be very sad if i need to manually draw the scale on the graph :rolleyes:

      Best Regards,


      The post was edited 1 time, last by zeitgeist: Emwin version is mentioned ().

    • Hi Ebubekir,

      I have tried to reproduce this, but for me the routine works fine. Could you please share a code example so that we can reproduce this behavior?

      Thank you!

      Best regards,
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