There is strange behaviour observed when debugging Cortex-A7 IMX6ULL processor.
Application loading and debugging fine, but only until i opened Generic Timer peripheral from CP15 menu.
After that debugging practically breaks, user no longer able to single step with these messages flooded the console:

I`am able to run and stop the application, but single stepping no longer works...
Using Ozone's default Cortex-A7.svd file.
The same behaviour with the IAR EWARM, it breaks single stepping after opening various peripheral registers/tabs.
JLink log file attached.
Regards, Vlad.
There is strange behaviour observed when debugging Cortex-A7 IMX6ULL processor.
Application loading and debugging fine, but only until i opened Generic Timer peripheral from CP15 menu.
After that debugging practically breaks, user no longer able to single step with these messages flooded the console:
I`am able to run and stop the application, but single stepping no longer works...
Using Ozone's default Cortex-A7.svd file.
The same behaviour with the IAR EWARM, it breaks single stepping after opening various peripheral registers/tabs.
JLink log file attached.
Regards, Vlad.