[SOLVED] understanding output of "ShowHWStatus"

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  • [SOLVED] understanding output of "ShowHWStatus"


    We are facing some unreliability using a JLink-Plus and JFlash with some of our custom boards.

    I am suspecting noise/interference on the connection/cabling from the board to the JLink.

    I know that "ShowHWStatus" will tell me the voltage measured on the supply pin (for me, that should be around 3.3V). I know it can also show target power consumption, but since these boards are powered externally, I don't expect to use that feature (and I'm not sure it's available on JLink-Plus anyway).

    But what do these mean:

    TCK=1 TDI=1 TDO=1 TMS=1 TRES=1 TRST=1

    I know these are JTAG pins, but we are using SWD. How does the JLink "simulate" them? Do they mean anything at all when using SWD?

    As I said, I don't think there's anything wrong with our JLink -- I'm just trying to help isolate where the issue might be in our cabling or connection.
  • Hello,

    The ShowHWStatus command displays the current state of the pins, indicating whether they are high (1) or low (0).

    For SWD, the following pins are used:
    • TDI = SWDIO
    • TCK = SWCLK
    • TDO = SWO
    Best regards,
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