Segger RTT doesn't work when the touchgfx is initiated.

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    • Segger RTT doesn't work when the touchgfx is initiated.

      I am using the touchgfx designer generated project as template to develop my project. The DK I am using is the STM32U5G9J-DK1.
      I tried to bring up the Segger RTT viewer feature. The RTT works well before the ToughGFX initialization. If I comment out the ToughGFX initiation functions and its tasks [ MX_TouchGFX_Init() & MX_TouchGFX_PreOSInit() ], the RTT print can work in the FreeRTOS tasks. But once I leave the TouchGFX initialization as it is, the RTT stops working after it.
      It seems the RTT and touchgfx have some conflict, but I cannot figure out the root cause. I have to switch to the SWV that works fine. I also question if I could bring up the systemview.
      I am not sure if this is due to RTT or touchgfx, or both. I posted this question on both forums.
      Thank you very much,