How to enable vcom function before connect target with swd.

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  • How to enable vcom function before connect target with swd.

    I connect target device with swd (7pin 9pin 2pin) and connect with vcom (5pin 17pin). and enbaled jlink vcom.
    but no output (gtkterm app connect vcom dev, but no output).
    how to use vcom function?
  • Hi,

    tinydrop wrote:

    I connect target device with swd (7pin 9pin 2pin)
    It should be:
    7 - SWDIO
    9 - SWCLK
    1 - VTREF (not 2)
    5 - J-Link-Tx (J-Link out => Target in)
    17 - J-Link-Rx (J-Link in => Target out)
    One of the pins you mention is wrong.

    If this does not fix the issue:
    Could you please check the following?…M_functionality_and_speed
    If the self test works, the issue lies on either
    - the connection between Target & J-Link (Faulty cables, Wrong pins connected, ...) o
    - on target side (wrong pins toggled, no data send, ...)
    We advise to use a Oscilloscope for signal verification.

    Could you please check?

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