J-Trace with STM32H723 MCU and NUCLEO-H723ZG dev board

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  • J-Trace with STM32H723 MCU and NUCLEO-H723ZG dev board

    At work, we're evaluating the Segger framework for future products, so I'm new to Segger tools. We've recently purchased a J-Trace and a couple of NUCLEO-H723ZG boards. I've been searching for information on how to use the NUCLEO-H723ZG with J-Trace, but it seems this combination isn't very popular, as there isn't much information available. Additionally, I couldn't find a BSP for this dev board. Does anyone know if the STM32H723 MCU family and NUCLEO-H723ZG dev board are supported by embOS and J-Trace? Thanks in advance!
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Please note that this is a community forum, you appear to have a new J-Trace Pro which is in valid support period. In that case we recommend to contact us via our official support channels as explained in my signature as answers are not guaranteed in our community forum.

    Generally regarding your inquiry. The Nucleo Boards typically do not support pin tracing out of the box as they do not have a trace header. But on some of the larger Nucleo boards the trace pins are routed to the outer sockets so you could try flying wires (see the board manual for more info), however for proper testing of pin tracing we recommend to use a proper trace header to avoid having to troubleshoot unstable flying wires.

    To get started quickly we recommend to use the Cortex-M Trace Reference Board that you got with your J-Trace Pro so you can try out the trace features immediately and get a feeling for it as the same features will be available for the STM32H723:

    We also have a STM32H7 trace reference board which can be purchased or used as design refrence for own trace capable boards:

    The H7 series also has an embedded trace buffer. So to try out that feature you do not even need trace pins. Simply get any example project for the Nucleo Board from any Toolchain and simply debug it with Ozone:

    Then in Ozone under Tools->Trace Settings->Trace Source, select Trace Buffer.

    Now you should see some trace data once the target device is halted.
    However the amount of information is limited by the buffer size.
    For more information about the different trace types see here:

    For pin tracing you will have to somehow connect your boards trace pins to the J-Trace Pro and add a J-Link Script file to your setup which initializes the trace pins and clock:

    We can send you the STM32H743 script source for reference if you want. For that please open a ticket via our support system as explained in my signature.

    If you are interested in some of our embedded software components we could also see if a BSP could be created as baseline:

    Let us know if this would be of interest to you.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • Hi Nino,

    Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I managed to get the included Trace Reference board working with SES and Ozone. This is my first time using a tracing tool, and I'm quite impressed with the amount of real-time information you can get from the target device.

    The next step for me is to get the NUCLEO board running with J-Trace. My plan is to identify the tracing pins on the board and connect them to J-Trace.

    It would be helpful to have the STM32H743 script source for reference. I will open a ticket to request the script. I'm not sure if that scrip could be the starting point for me to create a BSP for this NUCLEO board.

    Best regards,