Clarification about the pack for STM32

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    • Clarification about the pack for STM32

      Hello, SEGGER team,

      A good news for me as STM32 user was the newer emWin pack for STM32 (emWin_V634g_OBJ_STM32) is avialable for downloading from SEGGER site.

      There are 8 binaries in the Libs subfolder. Can someone clarify a little about the binaries? I mean filename mask and correspondence between the filenames and target MCUs.

      Some filenames contain some text of command line features when they were compiled. Probably they are for Cortex-M4. As for the rest it is unclear.

      I couldn't find this information in the release notes within the package...

      Thank you.

    • I think these are not those versions compiled by ST.

      The packs from ST called STemWin contained tens of binaries compiled separately for each Cortex-M group used in the STM32 series. First these packs were available at their site but later were included in STM32Cube packs and moved to GitHub servers. New versions have come out until v5.44. At that point ST ended support of emWin as they started to promote another GUI library. This was reported by them in application notes.

      The pack from SEGGER is available exactly at the SEGGER site. It contains just a few binaries that differ only in few things (ARM architecture, OS supporting, using FPU) that I’m confused about at first. At the moment there is the latest emWin version.

      In any case, this is such a good news that great development tools (for ex AppWizard that has replaced GUIBuilder) are now available for free using in ST chips.

    • Hi,

      Since mid of the year we (SEGGER) are hosting and building the STemWin libraries.

      These are not the same as those from the ST Cube packages.

      v6m, v7m, v7em: stands for the architecture.
      fpv4_sp_d16_hard: compiled with support for FPU
      fpv4_sp_d16_soft: compiled with support for FPU but with software ABI
      OS1/OS0: with or without OS support

      Just use the library which fits best to your hardware.

      We will regularly update the libraries found on the STemWin page. So we can make sure the STM32 users have access to the latest (or at least a more recent) version of emWin.…/add-ons/emwin-for-stm32/

      Best regards,
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