IAR & OS_CREATETASK() and __task

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  • IAR & OS_CREATETASK() and __task


    IAR EWARM allows to put an extended keyword "__task" in front of a thread. If I do so then I get a compiler error in the line of OS_CREATETASK():

    C Source Code

    1. __task extern void TerminalManagerThread(void)
    2. {
    3. ...
    4. }

    in main() I do:

    C Source Code

    1. OS_CREATETASK(&gTerminalThreadTCB, "Terminal-Thread", TerminalManagerThread, 2, gTerminalThreadStack_PU32);

    and get this error:
    Error[Pe167]: argument of type "void (__interwork __task *)(void)" is incompatible with parameter of type "void (*)(void)" D:\ZSE\main.c 762

    Without __task everything works fine. Any idea how to solve this one?

    Thanks, Arne
  • Hello Arne,

    the IAR function type attribute __task relaxes the rules for preserving registers, which means that not all preserved registers are saved on the task stack.
    Right now it is not possible to use it with embOS but it makes not a big difference as long as not much preserverd registers are used in the task routine, e.g. in complex calculations.

    Best regards,
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