[SOLVED] ECRP bits not written to LPC54608j512 after version 7.70c

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  • [SOLVED] ECRP bits not written to LPC54608j512 after version 7.70c

    Recently, we encounter a problem after programming our devices.
    A college had a new laptop and had installed the latest version of j-link (7.86f).
    After some research, we concluded that the ERCP bits are not written and set to FFFFFFFF.
    Older versions of j-link will write these bits just fine. The latest working version that I have found is 7.70c.
    Version 7.70d doenst work any more.

    Selected device is "LPC54608J512 ALLOW ECRP".

    Can you help us fix this problem?
  • ECRP bits not written to LPC546, varies by J-Flash version

    This is a painful problem. It is almost a year later and no response? It caused great confusion and many person-hours of work thinking that the target software/hardware was failing. We will be forcing our developers, manufacturing, QC, and others to report their version in use for validation, or be restricted to validated versions. Every service center that performs updates to software also falls into this monitored category. NXP, the maker of the LPC546, has been looking at the problem from their end. They have a thought about protecting the sector starting at 00 with the least significant bit of the ECRP word at 0x20, but the FFFFFFFF readback/overwrite of the hex file occurs very early in the programming sequence. I am not convinced the bit change has helped or aggravated the problem or its detection.
    If anybody has a solution, or additional input, please let me know.
  • Hi,

    Sorry for the delay in response.

    This issue has been fixed with version V7.96c.

    Best regards,

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