[ABANDONED] "Error while recording. Recorder Stopped."

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  • [ABANDONED] "Error while recording. Recorder Stopped."


    I've been trying to use Segger SystemView v3.32 PRO Licensed to troubleshoot a firmware bug that occurs randomly. This requires SystemView to record continuously for a long period of time. After I started recording for about 4-5 minutes, I got the error message "Error while recording. Recorder stopped". See screenshot below. After getting that error message, if I hit the "Start Recording" button again, recording would start again normally and I would receive the same error message after 4-5 minutes. So the firmware did not crash but something caused SystemView to stop recording and I do not know why. If the firmware crashed, the watchdog would kick in and reset the MCU. If the MCU got reset, I would get messages via my UART debug port during the boot-up process. So it has to be SystemView that caused the recording to stop. Please help!

    BTW, I also included a screenshot of the "System" window showing info and statistics when I got the error message "Error while recording. Recorder Stopped".
    • segger_sysview_error_msg.png

      11.09 kB, 287×116, viewed 199 times
    • segger_sysview_system_window.png

      130.35 kB, 474×1,051, viewed 278 times

    The post was edited 4 times, last by py123 ().

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    It appears that either SystemView is receiving an incorrect package or the debug interface is being disabled by your application.
    Are you using any low power/sleep modes?
    Could you try the latest SystemView version V3.50a and update the SystemView target sources accordingly in your project?
    If it still shows this issue could you provide a J-Link log file of the failing session?
    You can enable it in the SystemView recorder settings.

    Does your application work standalone without a J-Link connected? Or does it crash then as well?

    If you have a SystemView license that is in valid support period feel free to open a support ticket via our support channel as described in my signature.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.