[ABANDONED] JRun removes newlines in Windows console output

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  • [ABANDONED] JRun removes newlines in Windows console output


    this problem has been previously reported in this post by PeterS, where it was stated to have been fixed in the latest release by Fabian.
    However, I have installed the latest 7.7e of the J-Link package, and I am still seeing this problem.
    In short: when I run JRun in a Windows CMD console, the printf outputs from my target overwrite each other on the same line, so that it is impossible to see what is going on if there are lots of fast messages. Basically the console text doesn't scroll. It seems that \n\r is being replaced by \r in JRUN or something like that. I am not sure if JRUN is supposed to be run in a special kind of console and not the standard Windows CMD console, but that is not specified anywhere. If I redirect the output to a file using > log.txt, I can see the data just fine in the log file in Notepad, because Notepad automatically converts \r to \n\r. But I need to see at run time what is going on, as I need to execute certain actions manually while the program is running (tilt the board etc - it is a sensor application).
    If this behavior is by design in JRun, because it is supposed to be like this in JLink viewer or whatever, probably an additional command line option can be added to preserve newlines for users who are using it in the Windows CMD console, otherwise it is difficult to integrate in test scripts that incorporate other tools.
    Thanks for your help!
  • Can you please post an example string you sent from your target to JRun + a screenshot how it is displayed in the Windows console?
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