Implemeting a VERY long timeout...

  • Implemeting a VERY long timeout...

    background: MSP430F5529 running at 25 MHz (main clock)

    embOS version 3.82s (for MSP430)

    IAR Tools


    I need to implement an algorithm that will be doing control for roughly 10 hours, then backing off to a minimum value of output afterwards. If I am using the 1 msec tick on the Software Timers, the maximum time available is 32767 * (0.001) = 32.767 seconds. I could then use a variable to keep track of SW timer overflows. (I will not divulge the application, but I am sure that some of you can guess what it is...)

    Does anyone have a soluton that they have already used for such a timeframe?

    Are there any other ideas regarding implementation?


    Todd Anderson