I got an error when I opened the.axf file in a new project:"Invalid startup completion point "main": symbol address could not be determined". May I ask what causes it?
My current test environment:
MCU:NXP RT1020(Cortex-M7)
IDE:MDK-Arm v5.29
C Compiler:Armcc
Hex Converter:FormElf
The console log is as follows:
Project.SetDevice ("Cortex-M7");
Project.SetHostIF ("USB", "");
Project.SetTargetIF ("SWD");
Project.SetTIFSpeed ("4 MHz");
Project.AddSvdFile ("$(InstallDir)/Config/CPU/Cortex-M7.svd");
File path resolved: "$(InstallDir)/Config/CPU/Cortex-M7.svd" was found at "D:/Program Files/Ozone/Config/CPU/Cortex-M7.svd"
File.Open ("E:/Svn/FW_LIB_PLATFORM/FW_LIB_TEMPLATE/branches/BR-8-RT1020/Project/Objects/BR-8-RT1020.axf");
File.Open: completed in 66 ms
Program segments:
Address Size Code RO Data RW Data ZI Data Flg
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
60010000 2 200 1 160 1 024 16 0 RWE
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
Total: 2 200 1 160 1 024 16 0
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
For further information on ELF file data sections, execute command Elf.PrintSectionInfo(0).
Invalid startup completion point "main": symbol address could not be determined.
Debug.ReadIntoInstCache: updated instruction information within 1 code ranges (0x60010400-0x60010888)
I got an error when I opened the.axf file in a new project:"Invalid startup completion point "main": symbol address could not be determined". May I ask what causes it?
My current test environment:
MCU:NXP RT1020(Cortex-M7)
IDE:MDK-Arm v5.29
C Compiler:Armcc
Hex Converter:FormElf
The console log is as follows:
Project.SetDevice ("Cortex-M7");
Project.SetHostIF ("USB", "");
Project.SetTargetIF ("SWD");
Project.SetTIFSpeed ("4 MHz");
Project.AddSvdFile ("$(InstallDir)/Config/CPU/Cortex-M7.svd");
File path resolved: "$(InstallDir)/Config/CPU/Cortex-M7.svd" was found at "D:/Program Files/Ozone/Config/CPU/Cortex-M7.svd"
File.Open ("E:/Svn/FW_LIB_PLATFORM/FW_LIB_TEMPLATE/branches/BR-8-RT1020/Project/Objects/BR-8-RT1020.axf");
File.Open: completed in 66 ms
Program segments:
Address Size Code RO Data RW Data ZI Data Flg
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
60010000 2 200 1 160 1 024 16 0 RWE
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
Total: 2 200 1 160 1 024 16 0
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
For further information on ELF file data sections, execute command Elf.PrintSectionInfo(0).
Invalid startup completion point "main": symbol address could not be determined.
Debug.ReadIntoInstCache: updated instruction information within 1 code ranges (0x60010400-0x60010888)