Unlocking secured flash using J-flash w/ TMS470

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  • Unlocking secured flash using J-flash w/ TMS470

    All - I am trying to program a TMS470R1B1M using the J-flash utility. I am using both the memory security module and the flash security module on the micro. I know how to unlock the Memory security module can can access the memory after connecting. I can perform read back operations on the memory fine, however, when I try to erase & reprogram i get an error that the flash is locked. Here is the error below. I know i need to read the password locations in flash and then write the passwords, however, i am unsure where to write the passwords and also where in the project to add those reads & writes.

    Error Message:
    - ERROR: Failed to erase sector 0 @ address 0x00000000 (Algo9: Sector is locked)
    - ERROR: Failed to erase chip

    ALSO: I assumed originally that I would need to go into the target drop down menu and use the secure / unsecure commands or the secure chip unsecure chip, however, these are grayed out. I don't know why they are grayed out.
  • I am once again looking for help on this. I also called Segger and they told me they would get back to me and never have.

    I am looking for a way to unlock the flash memory of a TMS470 from the project settings.
  • Hi,

    Currently, there are no plans for creating a unsecure mechanism
    for the flash keys feature of the TMS470 series.
    I will post it here as soon as any plans change regarding this.

    Best regards
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