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  • [ABANDONED] STLink GDB Issue


    I'm trying to evaluate S-ES and hitting a problem when I attempt to debug using my STLink (V3, latest firmware). Am wondering if anyone can assist? Pre-empting the obvious comment (!) I would say that buying J-Link to be able to evaluate the IDE is not feasible.

    Attached are:
    a. batch file for GDB start (I execute the batch file then Connect to the GDB then start a debug session)
    b. debug log from GDB
    c. PC / registers at the end of load / start of debug session: all are 0xa05f0001
    d. debug settings
    e. GDB settings

    Instructions followed are those at: Embedded Studio with GDB Server - SEGGER Wiki

    Application is a simple OS_delay while(1){} loop (it is the blinky example with the BSP calls commented out). It runs OK on an STM32F429I-DISCO1 using the onboard STLink upgraded to J-Link. I am trying to get it to run on a custom target which does not have onboard STLink. I have proven the hardware with MDK + STLink, STM32Cube + STLink.

    Any ideas what I am missing to get this to work?

    • Screenshot 2022-05-18 203002.jpg

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  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    What exactly is the issue? According to the log the gdb connection was successful, the debug session started correctly and the download worked.
    Could you clarify what the unexpected behaviour is?
    What board are you using exactly with the ST-Link v3?

    The Wiki Guide uses a newer version of CubeIDE than you do apparently. Could you try installing the same version from the Guide and replicate the steps from the guide exactly? Including the same command line options?

    the.mark.robertson wrote:

    Am wondering if anyone can assist? Pre-empting the obvious comment (!) I would say that buying J-Link to be able to evaluate the IDE is not feasible.
    This kind of contradicts the following remark:

    the.mark.robertson wrote:

    It runs OK on an STM32F429I-DISCO1 using the onboard STLink upgraded to J-Link.
    In our opinion there are plenty of ways to try out Embedded Studio.
    You can even try it out without a target device using our simulator.

    Anyhow the ST-Link setup should work as described in the Wiki article, so currently we assume it has something to do with a setup error.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • Hi Nino

    Thanks for your notes. I have revisited this and it (still) does not work. I have taken a few different approaches and documented two - see attached PDF.

    I have checked and the STM32CubeProgrammer (reported by GDB) is 2.10. Yes, GDB connects. I am using STLINK-V3SET. Firmware is latest.

    I removed the V3SET isolation board: still have the same issues.


    • Segger.pdf

      (263.13 kB, downloaded 193 times, last: )

    The post was edited 2 times, last by the.mark.robertson ().