[SOLVED] External Tool Invocation

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  • [SOLVED] External Tool Invocation


    Is there any way for Ozone to be configured to run an external tool, such as a compiler (or a make script)?

    Since we can edit code in Ozone while debugging - it would be beneficial to be able to remake the project from within Ozone, and then restart the debugging session.

  • Hi kd,
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    This is not possible and there are not plans to add such a feature for the following reason:
    Ozone is a debugger. Thus it is intended to be called externally after building the application not the other way round.

    So to achieve what you want, you would have to call Ozone by e.g. your make file after building your application.

    If you want to have the functionality of an IDE, we would recommend to use SEGGER Embedded Studio:

    Best regards,
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