[ABANDONED] cannot write Flash on RT1061

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  • [ABANDONED] cannot write Flash on RT1061

    I'm having trouble with an RT1061. I am attaching the log file.

    The J-Link works since I can write and debug FW in RAM. Flash works since my FW in ram can read and write flash correctly. Also J-Link can read the content of the flash. The power supply is stable and the clock is working.
    The error is:

    Brainfuck Source Code: failure.log

    1. T43725740 020:214.509 JLINK_EraseChip()
    2. T43725740 020:215.337 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED90)
    3. T43725740 020:216.138 CPU_ReadMem(4 bytes @ 0xE000ED94)
    4. T43725740 020:216.834 -- --------------------------------------
    5. T43725740 020:216.946 -- Start of determining flash info (Bank @ 0x60000000)
    6. T43725740 020:216.987 -- Calculating RAM usage
    7. T43725740 020:217.050 -- RAM usage = 40492 Bytes
    8. T43725740 020:217.086 -- Preserving CPU registers
    9. T43725740 020:217.154 -- Preparing memory
    10. T43725740 020:217.209 -- Preparing target
    11. T43725740 020:217.242 -- Preserving target RAM temporarily used for programming
    12. T43725740 020:470.765 -- Downloading RAMCode
    13. T43725740 020:581.442 -- Preparing RAMCode
    14. T43725740 020:590.992
    15. ***** Error:
    16. T43725740 020:591.109 Failed to prepare RAMCode using RAM
    17. T43725740 020:591.147 -- Error while determining flash info (Bank @ 0x60000000)
    18. T43725740 020:591.184
    19. ***** Error:
    20. T43725740 020:591.217 Error while determining flash info (Bank @ 0x60000000)
    21. T43725740 020:591.249 -- End of determining flash info
    22. T43725740 020:593.180 - 378.727ms returns -1
    Display All

    What are the reasons why it can fail like this?
    • failure.log

      (13.58 kB, downloaded 162 times, last: )
  • Hi,
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    1) You are using an outdated version of the J-Link software.
    Can you please download the latest software here and try again?
    2) If it still does not work:
    How exactly are you flashing your application? Do you use the J-Link Commander?
    If so, could you please issue a "Reset" command (without quotations) before calling loadfile?
    3) If this does not help, could you please provide a detailed description about how your setup looks like and if you are using an evalboard or custom hardware.
    If custom hardware: Does it work on an evaluation board?
    If evaluation board: Which one?

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
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