[SOLVED] Windows path name is included in hex image file

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  • [SOLVED] Windows path name is included in hex image file

    I have a SES project targeting Nordic semi processors. Is there a way to prevent the compiler/linker from including the windows path name(s) in the hex file?

    I am about to release a tested version. As part of the process, I checked out the release candidate from version control into a empty folder. When I rebuilt the project the hex files did not match and saw the path name as part of the hex data. Both build environments are using the release configuration. I looked in the options but do not see anything obvious to omit the path names.

    Thank you,

  • Hello James,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    A hex file will only include exactly what is part of the application.
    So if you are using file paths in your application, they will be in your hex file.
    This has nothing to do with Embedded Studio.

    Check if your code has any asserts or uses macros like __FILE__ or __FILE_NAME__ and make sure they are not used in your application.
    If you need the file path references in your code you can set the file path macros that are generated by Embedded Studio to be relative instead of absolute by setting project option Code > Compiler > Supply Absolute File Path to No.

    Keep in mind however that it is possible that your code that uses that variables may not work anymore as expected so you would have to verify.

    Best regards,
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