[SOLVED] Automatic target reconnection after a hardware reset.

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  • [SOLVED] Automatic target reconnection after a hardware reset.


    I have a need to automatically reconnect and re-attach Ozone to my target after a hardware reset. I need to perform this action because i am doing automatic coverage tests using semihosting and some test cases require a reset of the board. Currently, when i perform a reset during a debug session, it shows a pop up telling me "Failed to read target status. Abort debug session?" which is understandable. Now, i was wondering if there are some options or settings that would allow me to do that?

    Thanks for your help.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Neither Ozone nor the J-Link software can detect external resets as the Arm debug interface is not designed to be reset externally while it is being debugged.
    What you could try is to automatically close Ozone before you do the reset and then restart Ozone and the debug session for the next test with Ozones automation capabilities:
    You can restart Ozone via command line then.

    But no guarantee that this will work as expected because as mentioned the debug interface was not designed for this.
    This is also outside our regular support scope.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

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