I have some feedback for Embedded Studio:
I have some feedback for Embedded Studio:
- The syntax highlighting of the digit separated numbers looks wrong:
Could you fix that?
- Embedded Studio does syntax highlighting in doxygen comments which is very helpful, but sadly not all variations are working:
Why is only the second variant highlighted, could you add the syntax-highlighting also for the other variants?
- By the way, could you add syntax highlighting for the types from stdint.h? Having them highlighted like native types would be very helpful.
- In addition, when excluding a file via context-menu in the project explorer, the options under the note are not updated. This is a bit confusing; I think it should be available immediately.
No node information:
After reloading the project:
The Information is available:
For this the ‘Options Under Node’ or ‘Options in Folder’ must be enabled in the project explorer settings:
- Some icons are not adopted to the dark theme, which make them hard to recognize, would be amazing to update those:
- One small thing, I recognized as I copied a formular to a comment which contains Unicode characters: The Unicode characters are not counted when a selected text is highlighted:
Also insert and edit is not working correctly
The post was edited 1 time, last by Masmiseim ().