[SOLVED] Ozone project file interaction

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  • [SOLVED] Ozone project file interaction


    Currently it appears that the only gui interface for configuring SP and PC is when creating a new project. Once that project is created the script file would have to be modified to change initial SP/PC settings.

    Is this correct? Am I overlooking a feature?

    As a new user of Ozone I find this a bit cumbersome as I am not too familiar with all the scripting options yet. Would be helpful to have a gui interface to modify SP/PC setting for troubleshooting how to set the project up properly for debugging RAM applications etc.

    I do appreciate the single scripting project file and think it is pretty cool, just still learning Ozone.

    Thanks in advance for any response.
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    You only need to change the SP/PC when a bootloader is involved or if the wrong application entry point is detected by Ozone:

    In all other cases the defaults in the project wizard should be sufficient.

    We will check if our documentation can be improved in that regard.

    Best regards,
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