[SOLVED] idle and main task with unrealistic high CPU load

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  • [SOLVED] idle and main task with unrealistic high CPU load

    Hello dear Forum,

    I have read everything on the forum regardning "unrealistic high CPU load" and sadly still could not figure out what my problem might be.
    I am using System View 3.30 and the FreeRTOS example project code provided here: wiki.segger.com/FreeRTOS_with_SystemView .
    I am trying to test what is the CPU load during file write to a USB mass storage device. When I start the recording all seems fine until I
    plug in the USB Msd and the transfer starts. Then the CPU load on both the application (file write) task and idle task move as one: both are
    around 99.8% which doesn't make sense to me. After the file write process is finished both tasks continue showing the CPU load as 99.8%.
    I'll attach both a screenshot and the data recording for more information.

    • unexpected_cpu_load.PNG

      21.21 kB, 1,606×144, viewed 437 times
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    It appears that your application was not instrumented correctly.
    For example your get ISR Exit Events but not Enter events.

    So we recommend to double check your instrumentation of FreeRTOS.
    For reference see this guide here:

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

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