[SOLVED] Erase a secured ateml SAMD device

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  • [SOLVED] Erase a secured ateml SAMD device


    I'm trying to flash an ATSAME51G19A on a CANBed M4 developer board (docs.longan-labs.cc/1030013/) using SWD. When I connect, I'm notified that the device is secured and that it needs to be unsecured using a mass erase of the internal flash. It seems to do something for a couple of minutes, repeating "Mass erase done!" but then fails at the end.

    Is there another way I could unsecure the device to allow for flashing?

  • Hi,
    It seems like the unlock via mass erase does not work for your device.

    1) Is it possible to connect and read/write the device when selecting "Cortex-M4" as device name?
    2) Could you please send us a J-Link log file? How to enable:

    Best regards,
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