[SOLVED] Segger Linux studio : why .. ?

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  • [SOLVED] Segger Linux studio : why .. ?

    So I was curious, and installed it to see.

    And by the first look, it's same as Segger other Embedded studio. So, why ? Why do we need this "Linux" re-brand?

    Still seems Java script (and no more suitable Python .. ), interface still same, nothing special seems for debugger, .. Overall, what makes this special for Linux? Does it have all automated & ironed about JLink setups for debugging U-boot images and automatically hooking up to Kernel past boot, can it automate debugging kernel modules runtime ... ??

    I see nothing . So big why we need it.
  • Hi,
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    You can find the difference in this article (first link when googling "SEGGER Linux Studio").

    You will see that SEGGER Linux Studio as a host IDE for Linux application development.

    It is not designed for embedded targets.

    To me that seems like a pretty big difference to SEGGER Embedded Studio.

    Best regards,
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