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  • GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEX()


    I am Using SPI Flash to Store my Bitmap and I have the Driver for Same Working Well, I have created a bitmap C Stream Using Bitmap Converter, which when included as a constant arry and using the Function GUI_DrawStreamed Bitmap(), the bitmap is getting displayed but when i use the GUI_DrawStreamed BitmapEx() it does not draw, I have created the Callback Function which is given on page 171(manual v5.08), i have included the C Stream File there and just used memcpy to copy the bytes from the C Stream bitmap data to targer location but i am unable to draw the bitmap.

    Please Provide a sample code to use GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx() using the Callback Function.
  • Dear SelecControls,

    Please find a simple example for using the function GUI_DrawStreamedBitmap() attached to this post.

    To use the extended function GUI_DrawStreamedBitmapEx(), you need to define a custom 'GetData' function which should be declared as follows:

    C Source Code

    1. typedef int GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC(void * p, const U8 ** ppData, unsigned NumBytes, U32 Off);

    I hope I could help you with this sample. Unfortunately we do not have further examples for this.

    Best regards,