I tried to display Spanish characters with GUI_Font24B_1 but á is not displayed correctly. How can I display these á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ ¡ ¿ characters?
Here is my code and I checked the font has the characters from the manual.
hItem = TEXT_CreateEx(550, 153, 200, 28, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW | WM_CF_MEMDEV, 0, ID_TEXT_3, NULL);
TEXT_SetFont(hItem, &GUI_Font24B_1);
TEXT_SetText(hItem, "ABC á¡¿");
And I can't seem to display text like this with TEXT_SetText(hItem, "Temp: 10\xb0C");
Temp: 10°C
Because C can not be combined with \xb0. Does anyone know how to connect code '\xb0' and character 'C'?
I tried to display Spanish characters with GUI_Font24B_1 but á is not displayed correctly. How can I display these á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ ¡ ¿ characters?
Here is my code and I checked the font has the characters from the manual.
hItem = TEXT_CreateEx(550, 153, 200, 28, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW | WM_CF_MEMDEV, 0, ID_TEXT_3, NULL);
TEXT_SetFont(hItem, &GUI_Font24B_1);
TEXT_SetText(hItem, "ABC á¡¿");
And I can't seem to display text like this with TEXT_SetText(hItem, "Temp: 10\xb0C");
Temp: 10°C
Because C can not be combined with \xb0. Does anyone know how to connect code '\xb0' and character 'C'?
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