[SOLVED] STM32F103RB: Connecting to CPU via connect under reset failed after flashing a stop mode low power software

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  • [SOLVED] STM32F103RB: Connecting to CPU via connect under reset failed after flashing a stop mode low power software

    I am using an STM32F103RB MCU in a specific Hardware design with J-Link Base Compact and IAR or J-Link commander as tools to flash and debug.
    The Hardware was always working fine (it is a final product of medical customer) until I flashed a software which implements the stop mode (deep sleep mode) management (by setting the SLEEPDEEP bit in the System control register (SCB_SCR) and configuring the PWR_CR register).
    Here is the code:

    C Source Code

    1. void PWR_EnterStopMode (uint8_t stopEntry)
    2. {
    3. // Disable Systick Interrupt
    5. // clear Power down deepsleep
    6. PWR->CR &= ~PWR_CR_PDDS_MSK;
    7. // Select stop mode
    8. PWR->CR |= PWR_CR_LPDS_MSK;
    9. // Clear wake up flag
    10. PWR->CR |= PWR_CR_CWUF_MSK;
    11. // Set sleep deep in ARM Cortex System control register
    13. if(stopEntry == PWR_LOWPOWER_ENTRY_WFI)
    14. {
    15. // Request wait for wakeup interrupt
    16. __WFI();
    17. }
    18. else
    19. {
    20. // Request wait for wakeup event
    21. __WFE();
    22. }
    23. /* Reset SLEEPDEEP bit of Cortex System Control Register */
    25. // Enable SysTick Timer & activate Systick IRQ, set SysTick Clock Source to Core Clock
    27. }
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    In the Software after calling WFI instruction (wait for interrupt) to wait for an interrupt to wake-up the micro-controller, it still sleeping for ever.
    In debug session by pressing next step in IAR, I can go out from deep sleep mode.
    When I go out from debug session, I can't connect anymore to the micro-controller and I can't flash it anymore.
    I guess that because always when I power on the Hardware, the CPU goes directly in deep sleep mode.

    I have the issue as described in the screenshot below.

    I tried to enable the low power handling mode in J-Link by using a script as following:

    C Source Code: ST_STM32F103RB.JLinkScript

    1. int InitEMU(void) {
    2. Report("STM32F103RB (ARM M3 core) J-Link script");
    3. JLINK_ExecCommand("EnableLowPowerHandlingMode");
    4. return 0;
    5. }
    and call the J-Link commander by Windows cmd:

    Source Code

    1. >JLink.exe -JLinkScriptFile "C:\My_Projects\ST_STM32F103RB.JLinkScript"
    But I am not sure that it's working fine because I didn't have the print of
    Report("STM32F103RB (ARM M3 core) J-Link script");

    Please any help!

    Kind regards,
    • cannot_connect_to_target.PNG

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  • Hi,
    Good to hear that you were able to resolve the issue.

    We will close this thread now.

    Best regards,
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