[SOLVED] Modern C++ STL support C++17 or later

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  • [SOLVED] Modern C++ STL support C++17 or later

    Dear Sirs,

    I'm using Embedded Studio to program small ARM microcontroller (e.g. Cortex M0+ based) in C++17.
    The results are good so far, but the lack of a modern STL implementation is really holding me back.
    In particular I'm missing std::move, std::unique_ptr, and std::array.
    Any chance to see a contemporary STL (not the 20+ year old STLport 1.0 based on some code from 1999) implementation anytime soon? Maybe this year?

    Best regards

  • Hello Tom,

    We have an updated C++ STL planned for this year.
    A fixed time schedule is not known yet.

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