How to display a 'Please Wait' status in graphics?

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  • How to display a 'Please Wait' status in graphics?

    Hello Again Segger mates,

    I need to create a graphic, which is used along with 'Please Wait...' text. I need it like the way the round rotating graphics are drawn on Windows Vista startup, etc. I've tried progress bar for this, but felt it doesn't suit the requirement. I would like to know if there is any way to create the graphic. Thank you.

    -- Rahul
  • Dear Rahul,

    The simpliest to do this is to create a window and overwrite its callback function to insert your own drawing mechanism. I would suggest you create a timer to update the position of the bar continuously. Optionally there can be added functionality to stop and continue the bar. This is easily done by adding custom messages to the callback function. Unfortunately I do not have any sample which shows a progress bar as you would like to have one, but I will let you know as soon as I will have one.

    Best regards,
  • Thanks for your reply Adrian. I incremented the progress value till the end & decrement the progress to the start & repeat the same again & again, with 'Please Wait" text on it. It was good but, I would like to know if I can use prog bar the other way like I describe here below.

    Instead of progress color starting from 0 and filling till the end value, I want it like a tablet of filled color moving around. You can visualize this like playing with the thumb of scrollbar forward & backward & so on. Is it possible to tweak the ProgBar this way to suit my requirement.
    Thank you once again for your help.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by rahul ().