I am trying to port embOS to nordic nrf52840 SDK 17.0.2.
I took for the base Nordic SDK project UART (peripheral example without Soft Device). Added embOS library and it started to work: only OS with peripheral drivers.
Now I am working to add a Soft Device - part of BLE code. I see that Nrf for FreeRTOS for SysTick uses the RTC timer from 32kHz (define FREERTOS_USE_RTC with using RTC1_IRQHandler.
I found in embOS #define OS_TIMER_FREQ (SystemCoreClock).
1. Did somebody test the embOS with Ble(SOFT DEVICE) and with System Core Clock?
2. Do you have example or somebody else implemented for "app_timer" for Nordic SDK (API between BLE and OS timers)?
3. Do you have some tips for me about the porting to NRF? May be I didn't found in forum the porting sequence from somebody else?
I am trying to port embOS to nordic nrf52840 SDK 17.0.2.
I took for the base Nordic SDK project UART (peripheral example without Soft Device). Added embOS library and it started to work: only OS with peripheral drivers.
Now I am working to add a Soft Device - part of BLE code. I see that Nrf for FreeRTOS for SysTick uses the RTC timer from 32kHz (define FREERTOS_USE_RTC with using RTC1_IRQHandler.
I found in embOS #define OS_TIMER_FREQ (SystemCoreClock).
1. Did somebody test the embOS with Ble(SOFT DEVICE) and with System Core Clock?
2. Do you have example or somebody else implemented for "app_timer" for Nordic SDK (API between BLE and OS timers)?
3. Do you have some tips for me about the porting to NRF? May be I didn't found in forum the porting sequence from somebody else?
The post was edited 1 time, last by vadymsodolevsky ().