Graph widget is too slow

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    • Graph widget is too slow

      So far I have been able to create a project with STM32cube old versions and stemwin 5.44. I use stm32f429igt6 MCU.
      I have 4 graphs to be drawn. Graph widget is too slow. Since each graph have diffent structures, I should use 4 graph widget.

      Is emwin really too slow or some other mistakes by me? if I remove the graphs, the total GUI works fine.

      Is there exist any fast implementation?

      Sample that is updated really slow

      Source Code

      1. GUI_Delay(1);
      2. Value = GUI__SinHQ(((Angle++) % 360) * 1000);
      3. Value = (50 * Value) >> 16;
      4. GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue(hData1, (I16)Value + 60);
      5. Value = GUI__SinHQ(((Angle+60) % 360) * 1000);
      6. Value = (50 * Value) >> 16;
      7. GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue(hData2, (I16)Value + 60);
      8. Value = GUI__SinHQ(((Angle+120) % 360) * 1000);
      9. Value = (50 * Value) >> 16;
      10. GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue(hData3, (I16)Value + 60);
      11. Value = GUI__SinHQ(((Angle+180) % 360) * 1000);
      12. Value = (50 * Value) >> 16;
      13. GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue(hData4, (I16)Value + 60);
      Display All

      Any help would be appreciated
    • Hi,

      you would have to add more values at once in order for the curve to update faster. Every value added with GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue() only equates to 1px in width of the curve.

      It makes sense to store the values in an array, if they are not dynamic, to save CPU time.

      Best regards,

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