STM32F747 Discovery STemWin Button function inverted

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    • STM32F747 Discovery STemWin Button function inverted


      I modified the STemWin(5.44) Font example from the Discovery H747 Cube Examples (version 1.7.0) and made a simple screen with one Button and one text element. The Button, if pressed displays a different text (not pressed = "Disc H747", pressed = "Hello").

      Source Code

      1. case ID_BUTTON_0: // Notifications sent by 'btn_00'
      2. switch(NCode) {
      4. // USER START (Optionally insert code for reacting on notification message)
      5. hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_TEXT_0);
      6. TEXT_SetText(hItem, "Hello");
      7. // USER END
      8. break;
      10. // USER START (Optionally insert code for reacting on notification message)
      11. hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_TEXT_0);
      12. TEXT_SetText(hItem, "DiscH747");
      13. // USER END
      14. break;
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      Problem: The button functions WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED and WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED are inverted. (not pressed = "Hello", pressed = "Disc H747"). If I put my text the other way round everything works.

      I did the same modification with the Discovery F746 examples (from the Discovery F746Cube Examples) - there is no problem. Has anyone a solution for this problem? Thanks in advance,
    • Hi,

      I suppose that there is something wrong with the touch implementation. Please check the routine which passes the touch input to emWin.

      I have found an example within an older cube package (1.4.0) for the STM32H747I Disco. The function which passes the touch to emWin is called BSP_Pointer_Update(). On the first glance it looks ok, but I can't check this on hardware.

      I would check if the parameters passed to GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() are correct, especially the "Pressed" member of the GUI_PID_STATE structure.


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    • Hi Sven,

      thanks you very much for your answer. Sorry about the wrong thread title - it should be : STM32H747 Discovery STemWin Button ......

      I checked the GUI_PID_STATE structure members. Everything is fine - Pressed is 1 ,when pressed, and 0 when not pressed. The problem seems to appear in the ID and NCode values which are delivered to my DLG.c File. With the Keil Debugger I checked the values directly here:

      Source Code

      1. case WM_NOTIFY_PARENT:
      2. Id = WM_GetId(pMsg->hWinSrc);
      3. NCode = pMsg->Data.v;
      4. id_value = Id;
      5. n_value = NCode;
      But there is no info in the PDF about the meaning of this values in the manual.
      If I start the app id_value = 801 and n_value = 8
      If I click my button id_value = 801 and n_value = 1
      If I release my button id_value = 801 and n_value = 2
      I added a checkbox, the id = 803 and n_values click/release like the button
      I added a slider the id = 805, n_values click/release like the button, n_value for value_changed = 5

      After program start the button appears visually unpressed. After the first click the visual appearance of the Button is as well inverted.

      My impression is - from the moment on, when I click any element on the screen something happens to the Ncode values and/or ID values. The STemWin Version is 5.44, the CubeMX is the newest (1.7).

    • Hi,

      When receiving a WM_NOTIFY_PARENT message a widget has send it to its parent. In this case pMsg->Data.v contains the notification code the widget has send. The ID is just to distinguish between the child windows/widgets a window/widget can have.

      daveb4 wrote:

      If I start the app id_value = 801 and n_value = 8
      The child widget with ID 801 has send a WM_NOTIFICATION_GOT_FOCUS (8) message.

      daveb4 wrote:

      If I click my button id_value = 801 and n_value = 1
      Same widget has send a WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED (1) message.

      daveb4 wrote:

      If I release my button id_value = 801 and n_value = 2
      The widget has send a WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED (2) message.

      [EDIT] So, if your button has the ID 801 (most likely GUI_ID_USER + 0x01) it does send all messages required.

      Which notifiaction codes are send by a widget is described in the manual under 'Notification codes'. Each widget has this sub chapter.

      [EDIT] You will also find a list of notification code in chapter ' Notification codes'.

      You could also check the definition of the different notification codes. It is WM.h and should be publicly available.

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