[SOLVED] C++ Standard Library ?

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  • [SOLVED] C++ Standard Library ?


    I'm evaluating SES (coming from STM32CubeIDE, TrueSTUDIO, Tasking, etc.).
    I do use C++17 heavily, and just tried some very simple C++ code in SES, but I can't seem to find where the standard C++ library is so I can't even #include <array>
    Also it may be linked to the same issue but I have pretty much no color syntaxing in the editor.
    Does SES support modern C++ for embedded ?

  • Hello Thomas,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Embedded Studios C++ library is based on the STLPort and can be installed via the Package Manager.
    However due to low demand it is based on the C++98 standard with a couple user requested extensions of more modern features but so far no feature from C++17.
    Currently our core market is C where we are currently moving our complete toolchain to our own SEGGER toolchain with some heavy optimization and great features for embedded targets.
    You can find some more information about this on our blog:

    For the future we plan to also include an optimized C++ standard library but this is nothing short term.

    But you can of course always use third party C++ standard libraries as the gcc, clang (and soon SEGGER Compiler) are kept up to date so they support the new language features.

    Best regards,
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