Weird inconsistent artifacts on graphics

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    • Weird inconsistent artifacts on graphics

      Noticed before that fonts and bitmaps/pngs converted to .c, had artifacts. Always assumed it was the tool, but drew some lines programmatically and see the same. Here is the code, and in the attached image you can see that even though drawing is same, the second set of lines have more artifacts. Anyone has any suggestion of what could be causing this?

      C Source Code

      1. static void test(void) {
      2. int i, x1, y1, x2, y2;
      3. GUI_SetColor(GUI_WHITE);
      4. GUI_SetBkColor(GUI_BLACK);
      5. GUI_Clear();
      6. GUI_AA_SetFactor(4);
      7. x1 = 100;
      8. y1 = 50;
      9. for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
      10. GUI_SetPenSize(i);
      11. GUI_AA_DrawLine(
      12. x1 + i * 15,
      13. y1,
      14. x1 + i * 15,
      15. y1 + 125);
      16. }
      17. x2 = 130;
      18. y2 = 200;
      19. for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
      20. GUI_SetPenSize(i);
      21. GUI_AA_DrawLine(
      22. x2 + i * 15,
      23. y2,
      24. x2 + i * 15,
      25. y2 + 125);
      26. }
      27. }
      Display All
      • IMG_20200311_165401.jpg

        158.28 kB, 960×1,280, viewed 343 times
    • Hello,

      could you let me know what hardware you are using and send me your LCDConf.c?

      Thanks and best regards,

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    • Hi,

      it looks like there's a cache problem. It is necessary to call SCB_CleanInvalidateDCache() before each DMA operation.

      Attached is a configuration for the STM32F746 board which is similar to your hardware and has therefore a good chance of working as well.

      Best regards,


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