[SOLVED] Position independent code for flashloader

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  • [SOLVED] Position independent code for flashloader


    I am using the Embedded Studio IDE for developing a flash loader utility for a new Cortex-M33 microcontroller. I have adapted the template project and added in details about flash array into it. I have implemented the Segger Open API functions like erase, program etc. The "elf" and "hex" file is generated successfully. However in the "map" file I can see absolute address of device SRAM being used for various sections of code and memory.
    I want to generate position independent code, similar to Keil MDK flashloader utility.
    Can I generate position independent code using Embedded Studio IDE and compiler?
    Does Segger Open API support position independent code?
    Can I use the generated code with the Segger JLink Plus debug probe?

  • Hi Radhika,
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    When using Open Flashloader, you do not need to have position independent code.
    The flash loader is downloaded into the RAM area specified in the application.

    The Open Flashloader is designed to be used with the J-Link debug probes.
    It will work with the J-Link Plus.

    Best regards,
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