I am working on ARM Cortex M4 development board provided by Vorago technologies. I am using keil IDE with Jlink/J-trace Cortex. When I enable the "Trace"(look in attachement for settings), the debugging session is getting terminated with an error "Trace HW not present" followed by "Error: Target DLL has been cancelled. Debugger Aborted!". Also, find the j-link log file in the attachment
I am working on ARM Cortex M4 development board provided by Vorago technologies. I am using keil IDE with Jlink/J-trace Cortex. When I enable the "Trace"(look in attachement for settings), the debugging session is getting terminated with an error "Trace HW not present" followed by "Error: Target DLL has been cancelled. Debugger Aborted!". Also, find the j-link log file in the attachment