[SOLVED] linking entire object files or lib-files to ITCM memory

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  • [SOLVED] linking entire object files or lib-files to ITCM memory

    Dear all,

    is there a possibility to tell the linker to link entire object files and/or lib files to a special memory section. I'm especially interested in putting them into ITCM memory. I'm able to do this on a function by function base and this works well. However, that is not very efficient and also is not working for library files. I'm currently using the GCC linker. However, I'm open to change to the SEGGER Linker if this will solve my question.

    Best Regards
  • Hello Markus,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Yes this is possible with SEGGER Linker. A how to is shown here:

    This would also work with gcc linker. However it would be about 30 lines of code instead of 3.

    Best regards,
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