I'm using STemwin V5.44, stm32cubemx V5.4 exported, I created a listview widget, I try to change the skin of the listview ,but failed ,I tried this fuction(LISTVIEW_SetSkinClassic(hItem);) but called error, I tried (LISTVIEW_SetBkColor(hItem, LISTVIEW_CI_DISABLED, GUI_MAKE_COLOR(0x0077773C));WM_DisableWindow(hItem);) ,but (LISTVIEW_CI_DISABLED) seems not work at all,but the other options working well(LISTVIEW_CI_UNSEL,LISTVIEW_CI_SEL,LISTVIEW_CI_SELFOCUS), but this 4 options appear in one same function explaination,I don't know what's the problem,how can I change the skin when disabled,and change back when enabled ? I tried to google and search in this forum ,but few people meet this question
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