[SOLVED] Flashing multiple MCU with one segger prob

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  • [SOLVED] Flashing multiple MCU with one segger prob


    We are currently developping a test bench and we have to flash 2 MCU on the tested board.
    Is there a solution to use only one prob to flash both MCU (not necessary at the same time)

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello Adrien,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    If the target devices are on the same board and interconnected to each other you could set up a JTAG chain. That way you can address each MCU individually and program them one after another.
    How to setup JTAG chain can be found in Arm documentation or can be requested from the silicon vendor.

    If you are looking into parallel programming for e.g. production our Flasher ATE can be used. segger.com/products/production…g-programmer-flasher-ate/
    This has the benefit that the MCUs do not need to share the same debug port but can have each its own debug interface and then be programmed in parallel.

    Best regards,
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