Looking for a LCDConf.c example for setting up a ili9488 18bbp display with GUIDRV_FlexColor driver

    • Looking for a LCDConf.c example for setting up a ili9488 18bbp display with GUIDRV_FlexColor driver


      I'm attempting to create a lcd adapter for the Microchip Curiosity PIC MX470 dev board combined with a 3.2"
      240x320 TFT that is controlled by the Microchip Harmony 3 ili9488 SPI 18bpp driver. I am currently using the following configuration below, but the solution halts when running. Has someone on this forum had success using 18bpp flexcolor? My callbacks do not get called. If I set GUICC_565 and GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C0B16 the display shows garbled button pixels or partial (1/2 ) of images.

      void LCD_X_Config(void)

      GUI_DEVICE * pDevice;
      GUI_PORT_API PortAPI = {0};
      CONFIG_FLEXCOLOR Config = {0};

      // Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer
      pDevice = GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER, GUICC_666, 0, 0);

      // Display driver configuration
      LCD_SetSizeEx (0, 320, 480);
      LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, 320, 480);

      // Function selection, hardware routines (PortAPI) and operation mode (bus, bpp and cache)
      PortAPI.pfWrite32_A0 = spi_Write32A0;
      PortAPI.pfWrite32_A1 = spi_Write32A1;
      PortAPI.pfWriteM32_A0 = spi_WriteM32_A0;
      PortAPI.pfWriteM32_A1 = spi_WriteM32_A1;

      // PortAPI.pfSetCS = spi_SetCS;
      GUIDRV_FlexColor_SetFunc(pDevice, &PortAPI, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66709, GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M18C0B18);

      // Orientation
      Config.Orientation = DISPLAY_ORIENTATION;
      GUIDRV_FlexColor_Config(pDevice, &Config);

      // Set custom reading function(s)
    • Hi,

      the GUIDRV_FlexColor driver for the ILI9488 does not support an 18 bit interface.

      It supports only 8 and 16 bit interfaces.

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