I'm using FreeRTOS on a STM32H743VI @ 400Mhz.
My application needs a high resolution task scheduling and timing.
So I changed the FreeRTOS GCC/ARM_CM7 port by setting TickType_t from uint32_t to uint64_t.
I also set portTICK_TYPE_IS_ATOMIC to 0 and supplied a highres system timer.
I have seen the ARM_CA53_64_BIT and RISC_V port of FreeRTOS also using a 64bit TickType_t.
My Application runs fine and FreeRTOS also seems to have no problem with it.
I can also debug the application with the TrueSTUDIO debug configuration option
"Thread-aware RTOS Support" set to "No RTOS".
If I set the debug support to "RTOS" the debugger hangs when I create the first FreeRTOS
task and stepping over this location:
prvAddNewTaskToReadyList() at tasks.c:1,055 : pxCurrentTCB = pxNewTCB;
The debugger also has problems when I run the application with breakpoints disabled.
I have included FreeRTOSDebugConfig as described here
[SOLVED] SEGGER FreeRTOS plugin with FreeRTOS v10.0.0 (no thread found)
but it seems that FreeRTOSDebugConfig only informs the plugin about relevant field offsets in the TCB_t struct.
The FreeRTOS ListItem_t and MiniListItem_t structs also contain a TickType_t field.
For a test I fudged the TickType_t xItemValue field in the list item structures back to uint32_t.
With this modification the debugger no longer hangs up and I can debug my FreeRTOS tasks.
Of course with this field size missmatch there will be logical problems on the
application/FreeRTOS level later on when the tick counter gets bigger than 32bit.
It seems to me the J-LINK FreeRTOS debug plugin uses additional field offsets into FreeRTOS structures not
described/adjusted by FreeRTOSDebugConfig and they get out of sync when I change the TickType_t size.
Any solutions?
STM32H743VI @ 400Mhz
FreeRTOS v10.1.1
Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 V9.3.0
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.48a Command Line Version
JLinkARM.dll V6.48a (DLL compiled Jul 30 2019 15:16:09)
Win7 Pro 64bit
J-LINK Bug Config and Log files.txt
My application needs a high resolution task scheduling and timing.
So I changed the FreeRTOS GCC/ARM_CM7 port by setting TickType_t from uint32_t to uint64_t.
I also set portTICK_TYPE_IS_ATOMIC to 0 and supplied a highres system timer.
I have seen the ARM_CA53_64_BIT and RISC_V port of FreeRTOS also using a 64bit TickType_t.
My Application runs fine and FreeRTOS also seems to have no problem with it.
I can also debug the application with the TrueSTUDIO debug configuration option
"Thread-aware RTOS Support" set to "No RTOS".
If I set the debug support to "RTOS" the debugger hangs when I create the first FreeRTOS
task and stepping over this location:
prvAddNewTaskToReadyList() at tasks.c:1,055 : pxCurrentTCB = pxNewTCB;
The debugger also has problems when I run the application with breakpoints disabled.
I have included FreeRTOSDebugConfig as described here
[SOLVED] SEGGER FreeRTOS plugin with FreeRTOS v10.0.0 (no thread found)
but it seems that FreeRTOSDebugConfig only informs the plugin about relevant field offsets in the TCB_t struct.
The FreeRTOS ListItem_t and MiniListItem_t structs also contain a TickType_t field.
For a test I fudged the TickType_t xItemValue field in the list item structures back to uint32_t.
With this modification the debugger no longer hangs up and I can debug my FreeRTOS tasks.
Of course with this field size missmatch there will be logical problems on the
application/FreeRTOS level later on when the tick counter gets bigger than 32bit.
It seems to me the J-LINK FreeRTOS debug plugin uses additional field offsets into FreeRTOS structures not
described/adjusted by FreeRTOSDebugConfig and they get out of sync when I change the TickType_t size.
Any solutions?
STM32H743VI @ 400Mhz
FreeRTOS v10.1.1
Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 V9.3.0
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.48a Command Line Version
JLinkARM.dll V6.48a (DLL compiled Jul 30 2019 15:16:09)
Win7 Pro 64bit
J-LINK Bug Config and Log files.txt