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    • Touch_calibrate.c

      Source Code

      1. static void _Calibrate(void) {
      2. GUI_PID_STATE State;
      3. int i;
      4. int xSize, ySize;
      5. xSize = LCD_GetXSize();
      6. ySize = LCD_GetYSize();
      7. //
      8. // Calculate reference points depending on LCD size
      9. //
      10. _aRefX[0] = (xSize * 5) / 100;
      11. _aRefY[0] = (ySize * 5) / 100;
      12. _aRefX[1] = xSize - (xSize * 5) / 100;
      13. _aRefY[1] = _aRefY[0];
      14. _aRefX[2] = _aRefX[1];
      15. _aRefY[2] = ySize - (ySize * 5) / 100;
      16. _aRefX[3] = _aRefX[0];
      17. _aRefY[3] = _aRefY[2];
      18. _aRefX[4] = xSize / 2;
      19. _aRefY[4] = ySize / 2;
      20. //
      21. // Draw reference points on LCD
      22. //
      23. GUI_TOUCH_GetState(&State);
      24. State.Pressed = 0;
      25. GUI_SetPenSize(3);
      26. for (i = 0; i < NUM_CALIB_POINTS; i++) {
      27. GUI_Clear();
      28. GUI_DispStringHCenterAt("Please touch the point", LCD_GetXSize() / 2, LCD_GetYSize() / 2 - 60);
      29. GUI_DrawCircle(_aRefX[i], _aRefY[i], 5);
      30. while (State.Pressed != 1) {
      31. GUI_Delay(250);
      32. GUI_TOUCH_GetState(&State);
      33. }
      34. if (State.Pressed == 1) {
      35. //
      36. // Store sample points
      37. //
      38. _aSamX[i] = GUI_TOUCH_GetxPhys();
      39. _aSamY[i] = GUI_TOUCH_GetyPhys();
      40. }
      41. State.Pressed = 0;
      42. GUI_Delay(250);
      43. }
      44. //
      45. // Pass measured points to emWin
      46. //
      47. GUI_TOUCH_CalcCoefficients(NUM_CALIB_POINTS, _aRefX, _aRefY, _aSamX, _aSamY, xSize, ySize);
      48. }
      49. /*********************************************************************
      50. *
      51. * Public code
      52. *
      53. **********************************************************************
      54. */
      55. /*********************************************************************
      56. *
      57. * MainTask
      58. */
      59. void MainTask(void) {
      60. GUI_Init();
      61. //
      62. // Calibrate touch ...
      63. //
      64. _Calibrate();
      65. //
      66. // ... and play with it
      67. //
      68. GUI_CURSOR_Show();
      69. BUTTON_Create(100, 100, 200, 50, 1234, WM_CF_SHOW); // A button to be touched
      70. while (1) {
      71. GUI_Delay(100);
      72. }
      73. }
      Display All
      Hi all,

      I am currently working to calibrate resistive touchscreen using emWin library. I see a sample code provided in the library Touch_calibrate.c

      As I am working on this, I can see that the code seems to be stuck at while (State.Pressed != 1) .
      Also, I was able to implement Touch_sample.c and detect touch to see values changing for both analog inputs and positions.

      If someone came across the same problem could you please advise.

      Please see the code I am currently using.

      Thank you in advance for all your help.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by bio_med ().

    • Hi,

      This can have several reasons.

      Either you never pass an up event (State.Pressed == 0) to emWin or the touch gets passed to emWin with the function GUI_PID_StoreState().

      Try to exchange the calls of GUI_TOUCH_GetState() into GUI_PID_GetState() and/or check how the up events are generated.

      Please read the forum rules before posting.

      Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
      Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
      Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system:

      Or you can contact us via e-mail.
    • Hi Sven,

      Thank you for your response.
      When you say "I never pass an up event (State.Pressed == 0) to emwin", what do you mean? Is there a part of configuration files where I have to manually add (State.Pressed == 0) ?

      I tried to exchange calls of GUI_TOUCH_GetState() into GUI_PID_GetState() and now even when there is no touch, the code seems to exit out of the (State.Pressed == 0) loop.

    • Hi,

      How do you pass touch to emWin?

      Are you doing it by calling GUI_PID_StoreState() or GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx()?

      Or do you do it with these functions:

      GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateX(), GUI_TOUCH_X_ActivateY()
      GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureX(), GUI_TOUCH_X_MeasureY()

      Please read the forum rules before posting.

      Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
      Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
      Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system:

      Or you can contact us via e-mail.