[ABANDONED] flasher 5r1 error code 63

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  • [ABANDONED] flasher 5r1 error code 63

    I'm using Flasher 5r1.When I connect the mcu m30626fjpfp,Flasher report error code 63:flasher lost setup.
    I checked the setup menu,found nothing was wrong.how could I slove the problem?
    While I connect r5f3650enfb,everything seems alright.
  • Hello,

    The error code 63 is an indication that the internal storage of the Flasher 5 is damaged.
    This error has nothing to do with the type of device selected and is probably the difference
    in the the size of the data file being programmed that makes the error being reported
    for one device and not for the other.

    I am afraid that your Flasher 5 device is damaged and cannot be used reliably anymore.
    You can take advantage of our trade-in program and purchase a new Flasher 5 at a discounted price:

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.
  • SEGGER - Marius wrote:


    The error code 63 is an indication that the internal storage of the Flasher 5 is damaged.
    This error has nothing to do with the type of device selected and is probably the difference
    in the the size of the data file being programmed that makes the error being reported
    for one device and not for the other.

    I am afraid that your Flasher 5 device is damaged and cannot be used reliably anymore.
    You can take advantage of our trade-in program and purchase a new Flasher 5 at a discounted price:

    Best regards,
    Trade-in will take long time....
    Could the MCU of Flasher be reprogramed,update,or a new one could be changed to get this problem sloved?