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    I'm trying out some features in Ozone using the NUCLEO-743ZI demo kit from ST. The demo kit has an STM32H743ZIT6 MCU on it. If you look at the webpage for that part, you can see that it says it has "4-Kbyte Embedded Trace Buffer."

    When I try to set up the ETB trace in Ozone, I get a popup message that "ETB was selected as source, but current device does not have an ETB."

    Looking inside the reference manual for that part, there is only mention of an ETF (Embedded Trace FIFO). It looks like you can set it in ETB mode. Also, it says that the ETF is 8KB in the reference manual, but the website says it is 4KB, so it looks like there is some inconsistency.

    Do I need to do something special in my code to enable ETB for debugging, or is that something that the JLink should be able to do on its own?
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  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    We are aware of that issue as unfortunately ST made the decision with the STM32H7 to "hide" some trace related modules behind the APB instead of AHB as it is usual for Cortex-M7. That way the generic trace init process becomes highly ungeneric.
    So currently ETB on the H7 is not supported out-of-the box as it would usually be on any other Cortex-M device.
    However it is still on our todo but the priority is not very high as the H7 also offers ETM tracing over pins which makes ETB obsolete in most setups.

    Best regards,
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