I have more time to investigate why my trace isn't working as expected.
So I have created a CubeMX project for my stm32g767bi and generated an Atollic project.
I configure ozone to use the 4 pin trace
The µC is running @96MHz after the call to SystemClock_Config()
So on this screenshot, we can see that the trace is working
but when I step into the SystemClock_Config function, the trace no longer works after the call to HAL_RCC_ClockConfig on line 195
Any idea ?
I can provide cubemx project, atollic projet and elf file if required
I have more time to investigate why my trace isn't working as expected.
So I have created a CubeMX project for my stm32g767bi and generated an Atollic project.
I configure ozone to use the 4 pin trace
The µC is running @96MHz after the call to SystemClock_Config()
So on this screenshot, we can see that the trace is working
but when I step into the SystemClock_Config function, the trace no longer works after the call to HAL_RCC_ClockConfig on line 195
Any idea ?
I can provide cubemx project, atollic projet and elf file if required